Volunteers In Motion
Volunteers in Motion drivers provide rides to people in Clark County who have no other transportation options and are:
- Are 65 or older, or
- Have a disability
Rides can be provided for:
- Medical appointments
- Social events
- Shopping
- Other outings
Volunteers in Motion is funded through a FTA Section 5310 grant from C-Tran.
Scheduling a Ride
To allow us time to schedule your ride, call our office at least two business days before a scheduled medical appointment. We can take requests up to 30 days in advance. If you need to cancel a ride, please call us as soon as possible, but at least two business hours before your scheduled pick-up time. We’ll do our best to schedule rides with less notice, but we might not be able to accommodate them.
Once we're able to confirm the ride, we’ll tell you who your driver will be and when they will pick you up. Your ride may arrive up to 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time. Unexpected delays may occur due to extreme traffic congestion, road construction, or weather conditions.
What to have when you call:
- Date of birth
- Your pick-up address
- The name, address, and phone number of your destination
- When you are wanting to travel
- An approximate return time, if possible
- Information on any assistive equipment or mobility devices you use
Featured/Success Story
“I had to cancel my appointment nine times because of transportation issues before I found out about Volunteers in Motion.”
“I was feeling trapped in the house, but now I get to do my shopping and get my hair done again. It has made such a tremendous difference in how I feel. Thank you.”
Each year, there are over 3.6 million people who can’t reach the care and resources they need due to a lack of transportation. A gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a stop at the pharmacy can mean the world to a senior no longer able to drive. Just an hour or so a week of your time volunteering could make a tremendous difference in someone’s life.
Can you be a volunteer driver?
Volunteer drivers may use their own vehicle and be reimbursed for miles or they can use one of the agency vans for their trips.
For your protection and the protection of our passengers, the minimum requirements for drivers include, but are not limited to:
- Have a desire to help others and provide excellent customer service
- Be at least 21 years old
- Have a registered vehicle in good condition (if using your own vehicle)
- Possess a valid driver’s license
- Complete a volunteer application
- Maintain state insurance levels at state-required minimums or greater (If using your own vehicle)
- 5-year Driving Abstract
- Thorough background checks
- Statement of Physical Ability
- Annual driving evaluation
Volunteer Driver Application
Volunteer Reimbursement Form
Community Vehicle
Local area nonprofits can coordinate with Volunteers in Motion in order to use one of our vehicles for their scheduled trips. We will work with you to train and certify your driver, or for occasional use we may be able to provide a volunteer driver.
Please contact us as far in advance as possible to schedule and get more details.
For those interested in becoming a professional transportation driver, we may be able to provide some training and hands-on experience through our volunteer driver program.

How To Contact Us
Phone: 360.735.3680
Fax: 360.694.1446
M – F 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM