Mobility Management
A person’s level of mobility, or their ability to go places, has a direct effect on their physical and mental health, community interaction, employment opportunities, level of freedom, and how they feel about their life. It’s a major part of each person’s life and is often taken for granted until it becomes difficult or is taken away.
Mobility Managers provide the connection between individuals with their community and the entire transportation network; designing and developing transportation services that start and end with the customer, no matter their personal level of mobility. To accomplish this, Mobility Managers work with consumers, planners, stakeholders, and community advocates to develop plans and transportation options that best meet the community’s needs. Mobility management helps facilitate mobility training as well as providing data on where there are transportation gaps and unmet needs during the planning process. They work with community partners to discover innovative services and solutions that improve the transportation experience for all.
Mobility Management is funded through a FTA Section 5310 grant from C-Tran.

How To Contact Us
Phone: 360.735.5738
Fax: 360.694.1446
M – F 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM